Thus the Shiva is Palvanna Nathar in this place.
#Thillai kali amman temple install#
When the sage tried to prepare another Linga for his worship, Lord Shiva appeared before him with Mother Parvathi and advised him to install that Linga itself though damaged as the milk was brought there by the Divine Cow Kamaden. While a king was coming there on his horse, the Linga got split by the hit of its leg. He collected the sand and made a Lingam for his puja. The sand in the place was white as cows voluntarily poured their milk in the place. Legend,Sage Kabila during his pilgrimage to Shiva temples, saw this place dense with Vilva trees and desired to stay and perform pujas to Lord.The temple is known more as Bhairava temple. According to scriptures, worshipping Bhairava in this temple equals the prayer at Kasi. He appears with 27 skulls, wearing the sacred thread and a serpent as belt around his waist and with turf and lion’s teeth. Lord Bhairava in the temple has not His dog vehicle as in Kasi.Lord Shiva and Mother Parvathi grace in their wedding posture behind the Linga. The Linga is split due to the hit by a horse leg.Lord Shiva in the temple is a Swayambumurthi.The presiding deity Shiva is Palvannanathar.Tirukkazhippalai is famous for Palvannanathar Temple.Parents perform the Anna Prasana ritual (first rice feeding of the child) in the temple hoping that the child would never face food problem in life.Shivapada’s joy knew no bounds when he heard that the Great Mother fed his son. Child showed the direction of the temple and sung the first hymn “Thodu Udaya Sevian”. When Shivapada Hrudayar came back and found milk drops on the face of child, he asked the child who gave him the milk. Lord Shiva asked Mother Parvathi to feed the child which mother did. Legend,Saint Gnanasambandar was born to Shiva devotees Shivapada Hrudayar and Bhagawathi.When he was three years old, the father came to Brahmma Theertha in the Sirkali temple, left the child in the steps and went for bath.The child felt hungry and cried.Lord is Swayambumurthy in the temple.The temple has one prakara.The Rajagopuram is facing east.

It could not be played by the women folk due to their modesty and shyness. In order to resolve thus, they performed a dance programme at Chidambaram in front of Vishnu and Bhrama.Siva played on "OORTHAVA THANDAVA" (Ugra Thandavam)i.e.